June 25, 2017:  Things you would never know if you did not browse the
tabloids while waiting for your wife at the counter in the supermarket  –
the week's headlines

          Comey family cover-up: Drunken Disney World arrest (Globe);
          Life Saver Dude goes berserk (Enquirer); Kentucky family
          visits Gulf during Tropical Storm Sandy (LEX18 - sic - they
          meant Tropical Storm Cindy); President Trump makes major
          revelation on Comey Tapes (Windstream.net - uh. er, what
          tapes? Our understanding is that the revelation is that there
          are none)

Jay Cory wrote Mon 6/19/17 @08:40 EDT:
Since  Fox  News  dropped its "Fair  & balanced"
slogan,  I propose a  contest  to come up with a
new one.  In light of recent  lawsuits and settle-
ments,  my entry is "You know you want it."

Honkin de Spain wrote Tues 6/13/17 re the South Bend
perp Nyejha Fultz in the June 4 issue:
That name has to be an anagram!  Are you sure
her name is not  Jahney  Zulft?  Or  Luftz?   And
is that Samantha James beside her a descendant
of Jesse?
Actually,  by  a  Freedom of Information Act  request  we
filed  (on your behalf)  with  the  St. Joseph County Sher-
iff,  we learned that  (1)  the first perp's name actually is
Jeanhy Flutz, and (2) Samantha is the  great-great-grand-
daughter of Frank James  (and the granddaughter of Rick
James).    – Editor

Piano Kid Shane wrote Tues 6/13/17 re Mary Kay Le-
                        What is a "limited divorce"?

In some jurisdictions it's called a "legal separation" –
"You go your way,  I'll go mine;   I'll care for the kids,
you  support  them;  you drive the Mustang,  I'll pay
for the oil changes," etc.  But they're still "married."  – Editor

Bruce Mitchell wrote Sun 6/18/17 @10:01 PDT:
Not sure why the bit about pets included in pro-
tective orders
  is filed under  "dumb  news."   To
me the dumb news is in the last sentence of the
linked  article:  "McNamara also proposed a bill
this year that would have taken guns away from
those arrested in  domestic  violence  cases  that
involved a firearm  or  the  threat  of the use of a
firearm, but it didn’t advance"  (my emphasis ad-

Unisex name of the week: 

Stupid business slogans:
                                            "This sleep is power"       Tempur-Pedic mattresses
                                            "Power to your mouth"

Buzz words that need a nap:  "impactful"  (powerful?)

Let's try the slogans again:
                                                "This sleep is impactful"
                                                "Impact to your mouth"

Dumb news from Indiana
A woman in the drive-through line at a McDonald's in Scotts-
burg paid for the order of the car behind her,  which carried a
man  with four children,  and told the attendant to wish him a
happy Father's Day; the man responded  by paying for the car
behind him, and a chain reaction reaching 167 cars resulted. . . .

A Koscsiusko County woman pleaded guilty to reckless  hom-
icide but mentally ill in a three-vehicle crash on U.S. 30 in Al-
len County in which she was going 142 miles per hour. . . .

Daviess County blamed Amish horse shoes for swift early dam-
age to newly paved roads.
                                                      [courtesy Columbus Republic]
austcrys.jpg South Bend's most wanted: Austin Schlemmer, WM, a/k/a Dustin Schlemiel, 6'0", 150 lbs, domestic battery; Crystal Egan, BF, 5'0", 140 lbs, meth; Rachael Bilbao, WF, a/k/a Rachel Bimbo, 5'5", 160 lbs, possession of legend drug; Olando Johnson, BM, 5'10", 200 lbs, escape (Michiana Crime Stoppers)
austcrys.jpg South Bend's most wanted: Austin Schlemmer, WM, a/k/a Dustin Schlemiel, 6'0", 150 lbs, domestic battery; Crystal Egan, BF, 5'0", 140 lbs, meth; Rachael Bilbao, WF, a/k/a Rachel Bimbo, 5'5", 160 lbs, possession of legend drug; Olando Johnson, BM, 5'10", 200 lbs, escape (Michiana Crime Stoppers)

       danielle.jpg Wanted in Berrien County, Michigan (Michiana Crime Stoppers): Michelle Danielle-Marrie Davis (Ford), WF, domestic violence; Danielle De-She-Shaneja Reynolds, BF, abuse of vulnerable adult; Andresha Jeaniece Robinson, BF, assault with a dangerous weapon
danielle.jpg Wanted in Berrien County, Michigan (Michiana Crime Stoppers): Michelle Danielle-Marrie Davis (Ford), WF, domestic violence; Danielle De-She-Shaneja Reynolds, BF, abuse of vulnerable adult; Andresha Jeaniece Robinson, BF, assault with a dangerous weapon
Dumb news from Kentucky:
A man who ran along U.S. 23 in Floyd County naked except for
a vine covering his groin was arrested for indecent exposure.
                                                 [courtesy Lexington Herald-Leader]
mcintosh.jpg Lexington's most wanted: Featured fugitives of the week: Roy McIntosh, WM, 52, 300 lbs, and brother James, WM, 50, 250 lbs, rape; Theresa Arnold, WF, 61, 5'3", 145 lbs, go-getter for the McIntosh brothers
kellyamy.jpg Kelly Walriven, WF, 39, 5'7", 140 lbs; Amy Franklin, WF, 31, 5'4", 126 lbs,; Taneka Travis, BF, 29, 5'4", 145 lbs; Melissa Thomas, WF, 34, 5'3", 142 lbs; Heather West, WF, 41, 5'7", 180 lbs: All hustlers for the McIntosh brothers (pulled kicking and screaming from the Herald-Leader)
mcintosh.jpg Lexington's most wanted: Featured fugitives of the week: Roy McIntosh, WM, 52, 300 lbs, and brother James, WM, 50, 250 lbs, rape; Theresa Arnold, WF, 61, 5'3", 145 lbs, go-getter for the McIntosh brothers; kellyamy.jpg Kelly Walriven, WF, 39, 5'7", 140 lbs; Amy Franklin, WF, 31, 5'4", 126 lbs,; Taneka Travis, BF, 29, 5'4", 145 lbs; Melissa Thomas, WF, 34, 5'3", 142 lbs; Heather West, WF, 41, 5'7", 180 lbs: All hustlers for the McIntosh brothers (pulled kicking and screaming from the Herald-Leader)
Quotation of the week:
                                          "Now we know why they call it the Tea Party:  Because herbal remedies are
                                            all you'll be able to afford."
                                                                                            – Jen Sorrensen

Quotations of the weak:
                                        "When was the last time an actor assassinated a President? . .  It's been a while,
                                          and maybe it's time."
                                                                                  Johnny Depp

                                        "It's effin' delicious!" 
                                                                               – Leena, Ben & Jerry's lactose-intolerant
                                                                                  employee, tasting their "Non-Dairy"

Tweetations (Twitter utterances) of the Weasel:

    "With all of the recently reported electronic surveillance, intercepts, unmasking and illegal leaking of infor-
     mation, I have no idea / whether there are 'tapes' or recordings of my conversations with James Comey, but
     I did not make, and do not have, any such recordings."
                                                                                                   – The Donald – and how, you ask, did he avoid
                                                                                                       the 140-character limit?  He divided his re-
                                                                                                       remark into two "tweets" (see slash)

Quotations of the Wheat (Simon says):
"Excuse me, miss, but, might I ask, have you ever
  been stalked?"
– Leonard Simon

Funny beer brands:  Swish.

                    June 19:  Aung San Suu Kyi, 72
                                    Elaine "Spanky" McFarlane, 75
                    June 20
:  Nicole Kidman, 50
                                    John Goodman, 65
                                    Lionel Richie, 68
                                    Brian Wilson, 75
                                    Jean-Marie Le Pen, 89
                    June 21:  Joko Widodo, 56
                    June 22:  Cyndi Lauper, 64
                                    Meryl Streep, 68
                                    Lindsay Wagner, 68
                                    Elizabeth Warren, 68
                                    Kris Kristofferson, 81
                    June 23:  Frances McDormand, 60
                    June 24:  Mick Fleetwood, 70
                                    Hendrik the Child (1256-1308)
                    June 25: 
Carly Simon, 72
                                    James Meredith, 84
                                   Eric Arthur Blair ("George Orwell," 1903-1950)
Eric Arthur Blair ("George Orwell," 1903-1950)

                Bill Dana, 92
                Otto Warmbier, 22
Betty Louise Stigall Sellers Boggs Marlow, 69
                Dai'Shaun Ray Smalley, infant
                Pamala Smith, 63
                Gar Terry, 76
                                                                     [Louisville Courier-Journal]

Borf 's weekly BONUS:
Olivia de Havilland, 100,  was named a dame by Queeen Elizabeth II.
. . . Oregon driver license applicants now have a sex indication choice
of  M,  F  or  X. . . . A man in Austin, Texas, sued his date for $17.31,
the cost of her ticket to the movie Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2,  af-
ter she texted on her cell phone throughout the film  (they  settled  out
of court, for $17.31). . . . An obese wild monkey in Thailand, fattened
on junk food and sodas left behind by tourists,  was  rescued  by wild-
life workers and put on a diet ("Uncle Fat," the locals called him, was
at 60 pounds about three times the weight of his peers).  . . .  A sleep-
ing drunk rode 14 miles on the  trunk  of  a  car leaving a barbecue in
Memphis, Tennessee,  before the car was pulled over  (the driver and
his wife were not aware of their passenger).
. . .  Patricia Krenwinkel,
California's longest-serving female prisoner
ever,  with  47 years  be-
hind bars,  lost her 14th bid for parole. . . .  Four Republican Senators
threatened to undercut the health care bill because it was too generous.
.  .  . The death of Rebecca Burger, 33,  a fitness model and blogger in
Mulhouse, France, was blamed on an exploding whipped cream canis-
ter.  . . .  The Mormon Church cut the mike on a 13-year-old girl com-
ing out as a lesbian at a service in Eagle Mountain,  Utah. .  .  . Scores
of Oklahoma school districts went to a  4-day  week  to accommodate
budget reductions.
                                                  [courtesy LEX18, Sadie Ninphonk, AP]
 tiffanys.jpg Wanted in Wichita (Kansas, not Wichita Falls, Texas): Tiffany Ann Slaughter, BF, 30, 5'6", 160 lbs, provation viol., theft (Sedgwick County Sheriff)  
christin.jpg Texoma's most fanted fugitives of the week, wanted in Wichita Falls (Texas, not Wichita, Kansas): Christina Eldridge, 36, brown hair, hazel eyes, 5'9", 180 lbs, violation of probation, possession of controlled substance PG1 o/1g - u/4g (Wichita Falls Crime Stoppers)
tiffanys.jpg Wanted in Wichita (Kansas, not Wichita Falls, Texas): Tiffany Ann Slaughter, BF, 30, 5'6", 160 lbs, provation viol., theft (Sedgwick County Sheriff); christin.jpg Texoma's most fanted fugitives of the week, wanted in Wichita Falls (Texas, not Wichita, Kansas): Christina Eldridge, 36, brown hair, hazel eyes, 5'9", 180 lbs, violation of probation, possession of controlled substance PG1 o/1g - u/4g (Wichita Falls Crime Stoppers)

The sports:
The American Civil Liberties Union rushed  to  the  defense
of three fans charged with disorderly conduct in Washington
County, Wisconsin,  for yelling "Get in the hole!"  on  every
shot  at the U.S. Open golf tournament.   Complaining  wit-
nesses included Bryan Harman,  Hideki  Matsuyama,  Tom-
my Fleetwood,   Rickie  Fowler,  Xander  Schauffele,   Bill
Haas,  Charley Hoffman,  Justin Thomas,  Brandt Snedeker
and  Trey  Mullinax – ten of the top eleven finishers  in  the
tournament  (Brooks Koepka, the winner, did not join them)
– and more than six million viewers on Fox TV.

Dear Eleanor:
My wife recently started a new yoga class she really
likes.  But I made  the  mistake  of telling her the in-
structor and I had dated briefly – we had sex – when
we were about 15 years old.  I'm 50 now; my wife is
45.  I was a drunk in high school and college, but I'-
ve been sober the last 28 years,  including our 22 of
marriage;  and  I have not been with another woman
since I met my wife.  But she's treating this situation
as if I cheated on her yesterday!

And the yoga instructor recognized my name and told
my wife I broke her heart back then. Help!
Dear Hardy-Har Hearty:
                                                It sounds to me that you handled
                                                the situation as well as you could,
                                                except for bringing it up to begin
                                                with; but the yoga instructor sim-
                                                ply blew it.  If wifey cannot come
                                                to terms with this, you might con-
                                                sider another fling with Yoga Ma!

                                                But if that's the course you choose,
                                                be sure to dump her  and break her
                                                heart again.

Unopened e-mail last week included a message from
"George Azpurua"
        titled "Can We Agree Some Upgrades Are Overdue?"


    Don't  forget!    Readers interested in intellectual dissection of
important current events are invited to attend the Weekly World
News Round Table at the offices of Borf Books outside Browns-
ville, Kentucky, just after church every Sunday.  Guest  speakers
lined up for meetings in the near
future include Sadie Ninphonk.


  Remember,  if you don't want to receive any more of this  inane  crap,
just hit your "Reply" button and type in the subject line, "GET THESE

But remember also, you have to spell and punctuate the message
exactly as it appears above,
without quotation marks, and without
that redundant "Re:" that appears in so many subject lines
or you
will keep getting this shit! ("Cut and paste" won't work, either. We
have a special filter to detect that.)

lifebers.jpg Life Saver Dude: Fuck! Shit! Piss! Cunt! Kike! Nigger! Wop!
lifebers.jpg Life Saver Dude: Fuck! Shit! Piss! Cunt! Kike! Nigger! Wop!

"Your worst humiliation is only someone else's momentary entertainment"Karen Crockett

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   270-597-2187         Hank T. Hebhoe, publisher   Natty Bumppo, writer/editor

June 18, 2017:  Things you would never know if you did not browse the
tabloids while waiting for your wife at the counter in the supermarket  –
the  week's  headlines  (some of you got an almost entirely underscored

issue last week – sorry –  it was a composition accident,  caused by our
ingenious effort to evade the home censors):

Man ravaged by amnesia holds down top legal job (Borowitz Report); Trump says sleeping only 4 hours a day not affecting his cljjryff (Borowitz); Hillary falls off wagon (Globe); Shots fired, sends one to hospital (LEX18); Teen shot in shooting (LEX18)
Man ravaged by amnesia holds down top legal job (Borowitz Report); Trump says sleeping only 4 hours a day not affecting his cljjryff (Borowitz); Hillary falls off wagon (Globe); Shots fired, sends one to hospital (LEX18); Teen shot in shooting (LEX18)

Fred Dean wrote Sun 6/11/17 @09:15 PDT:
The St. Petersburg Peckers?  I never heard
of the St. Petersburg Peckers.
Maybe our columnist  The Wheat  made them up.
Just watch out for the Jacksonville Johnsons.

You have heard of the Toledo Mud Hens,  haven't
you?  My recollection is that they played the Indi-
anapolis Indians  in the first professional baseball
game you (and I) ever attended.    – Editor

Unisex name of the week:  Tris.

Dumb news from Indiana:
A couple in Tipton starved their 5-year-old boy  for  punish-
  and kept him locked in his room (he survived). . . .

A new state law authorizes judges to include pets in domestic
violence protective orders.
                                                  [courtesy Columbus Republic]

darrrosh.jpg South Bend's most wanted: Devin Brantley, BM, murder; Darrell Ray, BM, 5'11", 250 lbs, public nudity; Berrien County, Michigan's: Lisa Lynn West, BF, unlawful driving away; Mayquon Shalaw Morrison, BM, heroin; Aundre Jardell Sanders Jr., BM, fleeing arrest; Roshell Rena Beaty, BF, credit card fraud (Michiana Crime Stoppers)
darrrosh.jpg South Bend's most wanted: Devin Brantley, BM, murder; Darrell Ray, BM, 5'11", 250 lbs, public nudity; Berrien County, Michigan's: Lisa Lynn West, BF, unlawful driving away; Mayquon Shalaw Morrison, BM, heroin; Aundre Jardell Sanders Jr., BM, fleeing arrest; Roshell Rena Beaty, BF, credit card fraud (Michiana Crime Stoppers)

Dumb news from Kentucky:
A Louisville city councilman was accused of sexual har-
assment for mooning a city councilwoman.

                                            [courtesy the Courier-Journal]

A 21-year-old man told the Judge "Fuck you!" in Barren
County District Court in Glasgow,  and  he's  in jail  (not
the Judge – the man who spoke those words). . . .

A stroller with a metal detector found a live World War II
vintage  hand  grenade  on the left bank of the Ohio River
in Louisville.

                                                                 [courtesy LEX18]

An infestation of bedbugs closed the courtroom at the Ed-
monson County Courthouse in Brownsville  (sleepy town
down South).
                                                 [courtesy Edmonson Voice]
ranjamja.jgb Lexington's most wanted: Randall Burgess, WM, 23, 5'6", 100 lbs, not paying attention; Jamie Bingaman, WF, 33, illegal smile; Jana Ervin, WF, 48, 5'7", 170 lbs, unlawfully ugly; Laerica Taylor, BF, 24, 5'2", 167 lbs, unlawfully pretty for a fat girl; Michelle Robinson, Wf, 40, 5'4", 160 lbs, wishes she were La Erica Taylor (she would spell it right, too) (pulled kicking and screaming from the Herald-Leader)
ranjamja.jgb Lexington's most wanted: Randall Burgess, WM, 23, 5'6", 100 lbs, not paying attention; Jamie Bingaman, WF, 33, illegal smile; Jana Ervin, WF, 48, 5'7", 170 lbs, unlawfully ugly; Laerica Taylor, BF, 24, 5'2", 167 lbs, unlawfully pretty for a fat girl; Michelle Robinson, Wf, 40, 5'4", 160 lbs, wishes she were La Erica Taylor (she would spell it right, too) (pulled kicking and screaming from the Herald-Leader)

Quotations of the week:

        "Barack Obama preached the 'audacity of hope,'  but Donald Trump demonstrated it."
                                                                                                                                                    – Malachi Royer
        "I would no more have my body tattooed or pierced than I would stick
          a live scorpion up my nose."
                                                            – Dave Barry
Quotations of the weak:

        "Kathleen McLaughlin, chief sustainability officer for Wal-Mart, says the training
         – for both in-store and on-line operations – have paid off . . . ."
                                                                                                                – Yuki Noguchi, National Public Radio

I'd rather have the hard road into excellence than the easy road into mediocracy."
                                                                                                                                                   – Salma Hayek

A classic quotation of the Wheat (Simon said Januaary 3, 2016):
"Neither I, nor anyone I know, ever, ever gave a woman anything – beer,
 wine, liquor, aspirin in a Coke, cocaine, speed, crack, Quaaludes ("disco
 biscuits"), Ecstasy, opium, heroin, sleeping pills, anything – to try to get
 into her pants."

– Leonard Simon

Stupid business slogans:  "Every great why needs a great how"    – Nicorette

Funny beer brands: 
Ghost in the Machine.

Buzz words that need a nap:  "A long ways to go."    Nathan Rott, National Public Radio

Dept. of dangling modifiers:

        "As a new mom, feeding your baby is a special moment of bonding."
                                                                                                                            – Nuk baby bottle commercial

                    June 12:  Jim Nabors, 87
                                    George H. W. Bush, 93
June 13:  Ashley and Mary Kate Olsen, 31
                                    Prince Henry the Navigator (1394-1460)
                    June 14:  Donald Trump, 71
                                   Joe Arpaio, 85
                    June 15:  Terri Gibbs, 63
                                   Janet Lennon, 71
                    June 16:  Phil Mickelson, 47
                                   Geronimo (1829-1909)
                    June 17:  Newt Gingrich,74
                                   Barry Manilow, 74
                    June 18:  Blake Shelton, 41
                                   Sandy Posey, 73

                                   Paul McCartney, 75

                Helmut Kohl, 87
                Dolores "Mudear" Chandler, 78
                Raymond Steevens, 77
                                                                    [Louisville Courier-Journal]

ambrolyv.jpg Arrested in Abilene (Texas, not Kansas): Amber Gregory, WF, 35, 5'3", 275 lbs, meth, injury to child, overstay at China Buffet; Olyvia Jackson, BF, 30, 5'6", 250 lbs, possession of firearms by felon, buffet overstay; Lindsey Black, WF, 31, 5'11", 150 lbs, heroin (Abilene Crime Stoppers)
ambrolyv.jpg Arrested in Abilene (Texas, not Kansas): Amber Gregory, WF, 35, 5'3", 275 lbs, meth, injury to child, overstay at China Buffet; Olyvia Jackson, BF, 30, 5'6", 250 lbs, possession of firearms by felon, buffet overstay; Lindsey Black, WF, 31, 5'11", 150 lbs, heroin (Abilene Crime Stoppers)
Borf 's weekly BONUS:
The Bill Cosby jury hung. . . .A woman staring at her cell phone in Plain-
field,  New Jersey,  tripped over a on open sidewalk cellar door and stum-
bled head first six feet into the cellar. . . .  A  man's  head  was found on a
front porch in Jackson,  Mississippi  –  and a headless body was found by
children playing in the woods less than a mile away (police were trying to
"connect" the two). .  .  . Montana Congressman-elect Greg Gianforte was
sentenced to 40 hours of "community service" and 20 hours of anger man-
agement for body-slamming a reporter  (the questions are, will his service
in Congress qualify for either  –  or, perhaps, even both?). . . . A man who
robbed a bank in Kansas City,  Missouri,  with the intent to be jailed in or-
der to get away from his wife was  sentenced  to  home  incarceration. . . .
Fox  News  dropped its  "Fair  & balanced"  slogan. . . .
A  juvenile  court
judge in Bristol County,  Massachusetts,  found a 20-year-old woman,  17
at the time of her crime, guilty of involuntary manslaughter for telling her
boy friend, then 18, "Get back in the truck!" where he was committing su-
icide by carbon monoxide. . . .A 24-year-old yoga instructor sleeping with
a copperhead in Silver Spring,  Maryland,  lost her arm to snakebite. . . .
Deputies showing up at a woman's home in Albuquerque, New Mexico, to
evict her in a mortgage foreclosure found that  they  had  also  to  evict her
husband, whose mummified body had been there in a closet for two years.

LEX18, AP]

stactrev.jpg Wanted in Wichita (Kansas, not Wichita Falls, Texas): Staci J. Brown, a/k/a Staci Jenice Hunt, WF, 35, 5'7", 115 lbs, brown hair, blue eyes, possession of controlled substances (including firewater); Trevor Bryce Cox, BM, 25, 5'8", 132 lbs, black hair, brown eyes, tattoos on neck, arms, chest; failure to get haircut while on probation; Kielyn A. Parson, WF, 20, 5'2", 119 lbs, blonde hair, blue eyes, theft, illegal given name for white girl (Sedgwick County Sheriff)
stactrev.jpg Wanted in Wichita (Kansas, not Wichita Falls, Texas): Staci J. Brown, a/k/a Staci Jenice Hunt, WF, 35, 5'7", 115 lbs, brown hair, blue eyes, possession of controlled substances (including firewater); Trevor Bryce Cox, BM, 25, 5'8", 132 lbs, black hair, brown eyes, tattoos on neck, arms, chest; failure to get haircut while on probation; Kielyn A. Parson, WF, 20, 5'2", 119 lbs, blonde hair, blue eyes, theft, illegal given name for white girl (Sedgwick County Sheriff)

                                 dilonlee.jpg Texoma's most wanted fugitives of the week: Wanted in Wichita Falls, Texas (not Wichita, Kansas): Dillon Lee Henderson, 24, brown hair, blue eyes, 130 lbs, 5'7", assault family violence, choking
cherchel.jpg Cheryl Lynn McKinney, 51, black hair, brown eyes, 136 lbs, 5'5", bond forfeiture u/$2,500 w/2 or more previous convictions; Chelsea Renea Milligan, 22, brown hair, blue eyes, 162 lbs, 5'6", bond revocation, possession of controlled substance PGI UIG (Wichita Falls Crime Stoppeers)
dilonlee.jpg Texoma's most wanted fugitives of the week: Wanted in Wichita Falls, Texas (not Wichita, Kansas): Dillon Lee Henderson, 24, brown hair, blue eyes, 130 lbs, 5'7", assault family violence, choking; cherchel.jpg Cheryl Lynn McKinney, 51, black hair, brown eyes, 136 lbs, 5'5", bond forfeiture u/$2,500 w/2 or more previous convictions; Chelsea Renea Milligan, 22, brown hair, blue eyes, 162 lbs, 5'6", bond revocation, possession of controlled substance PGI UIG (Wichita Falls Crime Stoppeers)

The sports:
The University of Louisville's 2013 national basketball  cham-
pionship might be at risk under penalties imposed by the NC-
for the sex scandal in which  recruits  were  "entertained"
by female "escorts." . . .

The Jacksonville Johnsons joined the St. Petersburg Peckers
in their petition to enter baseball's National League.

Wanted in Waco: Andrew Michael Daniel, WM, 23, 5'11", 175 lbs, marijuana; Rakeshia L. Waits, BF, 29, 5'6", 150 lbs, illegal transfer of food stamps; Monikka R. Taylor, BF, 38, 5'6", 240 lbs, fraud; Jamarr L. Walker, BM, 27 5'9", 190 lbs, violent tendemcies (Waco Crime Stoppers)
Wanted in Waco: Andrew Michael Daniel, WM, 23, 5'11", 175 lbs, marijuana; Rakeshia L. Waits, BF, 29, 5'6", 150 lbs, illegal transfer of food stamps; Monikka R. Taylor, BF, 38, 5'6", 240 lbs, fraud; Jamarr L. Walker, BM, 27 5'9", 190 lbs, violent tendemcies (Waco Crime Stoppers)

Dear Eleanor:
My mother-in-law didn't get me a card or even  wish  me
Happy Mother's Day on my very first one. We got togeth-
er to celebrate;  so I don't think she forgot.   I thought we
had a pretty good relationship,  but  now  I'm not so sure.
Is  there a nice way to ask her why she didn't  get  me  a
card or even say,  "Happy Mother's Day"?   I'd like to be
able  to  apologize  if she's harboring a grudge  for  some
                                                        New Mom in Tennessee
Dear Mommy:
                            Uh, er, dearie, it seems to me that you are a bit
                            unclear in the concept.   In the relationship  be-
                            tween the two of you,  she  is  the mother,  and
                            you  are the daughter.   That's where the terms
                            mother-in-law and daughter-in-law come from.

                            Did you wish her a happy Mother's Day,   and
                            give her a card?  That's  what  the social situa-
                            tion required.  You didn't say.

                            And  you're  the  one harboring a grudge,  not

Unopened e-mail last week included a message from "geese"
        titled "
V {\displaystyle \partial V}?"


    Don't  forget!    Readers interested in intellectual dissection of
important current events are invited to attend the Weekly World
News Round Table at the offices of Borf Books outside Browns-
ville, Kentucky, just after church every Sunday.  Guest  speakers
lined up for meetings in the near
future include Anya Kamenetz.


  Remember,  if you don't want to receive any more of this  inane  crap,
just hit your "Reply" button and type in the subject line, "GET THESE

But remember also, you have to spell and punctuate the message
exactly as it appears above,
without quotation marks, and without
that redundant "Re:" that appears in so many subject lines
or you
will keep getting this shit! ("Cut and paste" won't work, either. We
have a special filter to detect that.)

lifeskul.jpg Edmonson County 5th & 6th Grade Center: We are a distinguished s hool, Compliments of Bank of Edmonson County, Life Saver Dude: My old school – they didn't learn me much
lifeskul.jpg Edmonson County 5th & 6th Grade Center: We are a distinguished s hool, Compliments of Bank of Edmonson County, Life Saver Dude: My old school – they didn't learn me much

"Your worst humiliation is only someone else's momentary entertainment"Karen Crockett

Previous issue

Next issue

Archives index
Borf Books borf@borfents.com               Ideas for a Better America
Box 413
                                                  The Columbus Book of Euchre
Brownsville KY 42210
            War Stories: The Memoirs of a Country Lawyer

270-597-2187         Hank T. Hebhoe, publisher   Natty Bumppo, writer/editor

June 11, 2017:  Things you would never know if you did not browse the
tabloids while waiting for your wife at the counter in the supermarket  –
the week's headlines

Sarandon, 70, new boobs for Susan (Globe); Fisher, 42, in peep show on line, Amy flashes her Butt-afuoco (Globe); George Clooney leaving Hollywood to raise his twins (Closer)
Sarandon, 70, new boobs for Susan (Globe); Fisher, 42, in peep show on line, Amy flashes her Butt-afuoco (Globe); George Clooney leaving Hollywood to raise his twins (Closer)

Bruce Mitchell wrote Sun 6/4/17 @06:52 PDT:
Tiny text in last week's Tabloid Headlines – even
with glasses on.
Thanks.  Others have reported it's OK.  We used 12-pt.
Times New Roman for body type.  Anyone  else  have
trouble with the new transmission?    – Editor

Unisex name of the week:  Kevin.

Dumb news from Indiana
Salacious headlines in the Columbus Republic  and the Fort
Wayne Journal-Gazette, "High school's 'lunch lady' goes be-
just food," turned out not to report another case of sex-
ual predation by faculty or staff,  but  a  food  service  mana-
ger's extra care for the students she tends to. . . .

A 24-year-old man in Fort Wayne shot a 29-year-old woman
who  would not go out with him,  and another woman in the
beauty college where she worked,  and  then  turned his gun
on himself (he died; they didn't). . . .

The 7th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals ordered Tippecanoe
County to allow
Higher Society of Indiana Inc.,  an organi-
zation advocating  marijuana  legalization,  to demonstrate
on its courthouse grounds in Lafayette like others. . . .

More than 200 chickens were seized from an Indianapolis
home in a cockfighting investigation. . . .

Three school districts  in  Hamilton  County  have dropped
high school valedictorian recognition "
to get high-perform-
ing students focused on bettering themselves, and not com-
peting with peers."
                                               [courtesy Columbus Republic]

krisjada.jpg South Bend's most wanted: Kristina Kendall, a/k/a Kristina Warren, WF,5'2", 140 lbs, meth, firewater; Michelle Banks, WF, 5'5:, 145 lbs, theft; Jada Morales, BF, 5'2", 120 lbs, cocaine, a/k/a Ja-da, Ja-da, Ja-da, Ja-da, Jing Jing Jing!; Berrien County, Michigan's: Jame Sylvia Harris, BF, No account check (Michiana Crime Stoppers)
krisjada.jpg South Bend's most wanted: Kristina Kendall, a/k/a Kristina Warren, WF,5'2", 140 lbs, meth, firewater; Michelle Banks, WF, 5'5:, 145 lbs, theft; Jada Morales, BF, 5'2", 120 lbs, cocaine, a/k/a Ja-da, Ja-da, Ja-da, Ja-da, Jing Jing Jing!; Berrien County, Michigan's: Jame Sylvia Harris, BF, No account check (Michiana Crime Stoppers)

Dumb news from Kentucky:
A boy and a girl, both 17, scaled the roof of Lexington Lafay-
ette High School in an attempt to break in. . . .

An eastern Kentucky disability attorney who pleaded guilty to
bilking taxpayers of $600 million  disappeared  before his sen-
tencing. . . .

A $2,000 reward was offered for the arrest of whoever shot a
kitten multiple times with a BB gun in Louisville. . . .

A 3-year-old Amish boy was found dead in a manure compost
in Christian County.
        [courtesy LEX18]

  kriscole.jpg Lexington's most wanted: Kristopher Cole, BM, 32, 6'1", dog biting (pulled kicking & screaming frm the Herald-Leader)
kriscole.jpg Lexington's most wanted: Kristopher Cole, BM, 32, 6'1", dog biting (pulled kicking & screaming frm the Herald-Leader)

Dumb news from Indiana and Kentucky:
A 5-foot, 3-inch alligator gar caught in the White River in south-
eastern Indiana was believed to have come from Kentucky.

                [courtesy Indianapolis Star, Columbus Republic]

Quotation of the week:

                                            "I was honestly concerned that he might lie .  . . ."
                                                                                                                                  James Comey
Quotations of the weak:
                                                "It was gifted to him."
                                                                                              Brett Barry
                                                "People like you and I."
                                                                                               Hanna Rosin

        "The only thing that is going to save Western civilization is a more aggressive, a more violent
– webcaster “Coach” Dave Daubenmire

Quotations of the Weasel:
                                                "I hope you can let this go . . . ."
                                                                                                         Donald STrump
Quotations of the media:
                                              "One of these men is lying."
                                                                                                    Scott Horsley, National Public Radio
Quotation of another weasel:

Schools that receive federal funds must follow federal law."
                                                                                                                                                         – Betsy DeVos

Quotations of the Wheat (Simon says):
"You can leave your buddy, but don't take his car.
(You can take his wife.)"
– Leonard Simon

Funny beer brands:  Creature of Habit.

Stupid business slogans:  "How well gets done" – Optum health care

Buzz words that need a nap:  "gifted"

                    June 5:  Kenneth Bruce Gorelick ("Kenny G"), 61
                                  Gail Davies, 69
Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo, 75
June 6:  Holly Near, 68
                    June 7:  Anna Kournikova, 36
                                 Vice President Mikey, 58
                    June 8: 
Francesca Capaldi, 13
                                 Kim Clijsters, 34
                                 Sara Watkins, 36
                                 Gaynor Hopkins ("Bonnie Tyler"), 66
                                 William Calley, 74
                                 Barbara Bush, 92
                    June 9:  Johnny Depp, 54
                                  Peter the Great (1672-1725)
                    June 10:  F. Lee Bailey, 84
                                   João Gilberto, 86
                    June 11:  Diana Taurasi, 35
                                   Mehmet ("Dr.") Oz, 57
                Adam West, 88
                Jimmy Piersall, 87
                Roger Smith, 84
                Helen Gertrude Andres (Andres), 93
                Statia "Stacy" Clay, 53
                Dan Handloser Jr., 60
                Nancy Lee Hubbard Johnson Head, 101
                Faracita Pressley, 57
                                                                    [Louisville Courier-Journal]

Borf 's weekly BONUS:
A Democrat in Iowa withdrew from a race for Congress after receiving
death threats. . . . A Republican state representative from suburban Dal-
las threatened to shoot a Latino Democratic colleague over an immigra-
tion bill in Texas.  . . . Vice President Mikey's wife,  Karen,  installed  a
15,000-bee hive at their official residence. .  .  . A Sebring, Florida, wo-
man who posted a video on Clutterbook Facebook showing a  rat snake
biting her 1-year-old baby girl said it's important that children  learn  a-
bout wildlife. . . . A man who complained to the building code enforce-
ment office in Augusta, Maine, about bedbugs in his apartment and did
not get the action he expected threw a cup of the critters – about 100 of
them – on the counter at the office,  and they scattered off (the building
later was sprayed). . . . ISIS  terrorized  Iran. . . . A soldier's "emotional
support dog
" – a chocolate lab and pointer mix – bit another passenger
severely in the face on an airliner about to take off from Atlanta, Geor-
.  .  .  A New York court of appeals denied a writ of habeas corpus
sought for two chimpanzees. . . . Theologian Reza Aslan lost his CNN
series Believer for calling President Trump a "piece of shit" (on "Twit-
ter"). . . . An abandoned baby girl was found in a backpack in a shop-
ping cart in a parking lot in Tempe, Arizona.

                                                                [courtesy Harper's, LEX18, AP]

ambartan.jpg Arrested in Abilene (Texas, not Kansas): Ambar Flores, HF, 34, 5'0", 175 lbs, brown hair and eyes, possession of meth (and firewater); Jessica Christensen, WF, 23, 5'7", 120 lbs, red hair, blue eyes, meth; Wanted in Wichita Falls (Kansas, not Wichita Falls, Texas): Tanya Ann Medina, WF, 43, 5'4", 204 lbs, black hr., brown eyes, possession of opiates (Abilene Crime Stoppers, Sedgwick Kansas County Sheriff)
ambartan.jpg Arrested in Abilene (Texas, not Kansas): Ambar Flores, HF, 34, 5'0", 175 lbs, brown hair and eyes, possession of meth (and firewater); Jessica Christensen, WF, 23, 5'7", 120 lbs, red hair, blue eyes, meth; Wanted in Wichita Falls (Kansas, not Wichita Falls, Texas): Tanya Ann Medina, WF, 43, 5'4", 204 lbs, black hr., brown eyes, possession of opiates (Abilene Crime Stoppers, Sedgwick Kansas County Sheriff)

The sports:
The St. Petersburg Peckers petitioned for admission
to baseball's National League (more to come . . . ).

Dear Eleanor:
My former spouse and I are divorced.    We have a 3-
year-old daughter.  Soon after our daughter was born,
my spouse came out as  "transgender"  and now lives
as a woman.

I have always been supportive of her transition, her a-
doption of a new name, feminine pronouns,  etc.;  but
now she wants something I'm  not  comfortable  with.
She wants our daughter to think of her  as  a  "second
mommy,"  not  her  daddy.   She won't even acknowl-
ledge being the biological father.

May my ex live in this fantasy world?  And  is  it  OK
to tell your kid a flat-out lie about who her dad is?

                                            Thrown in Ohio
Dear Thrown in the River:
                                                 You're an "enabler," ma'am. Why
                                                 do you refer to him/her merely as
                                                 your  "former spouse"  and  "ex"?
                                                 He's your ex-husband, isn't he?

                                                 "Her"?  "She"?  How 'bout "his"?
                                                 His daughter.  He.  Him.

                                                 No!   It   is   not   OK.    Tell  this
                                                 transy-pansy  to   own  up  to  his
                                                 ("former," if s/he will)  manhood.

olivmadd.jpg Wanted in Wichita Falls (Texas, not Wichita, Kansas); Texoma's most wanted fugitives of the week: Olivia Rachelle Martinez, 23, 163 lbs, 5'1", violation of probation, credit/debit card abuse; Maddison M. Robertson, 19, 230 lbs, 5' 8", violation of probation, burglary of habitation
olivmadd.jpg Wanted in Wichita Falls (Texas, not Wichita, Kansas); Texoma's most wanted fugitives of the week: Olivia Rachelle Martinez, 23, 163 lbs, 5'1", violation of probation, credit/debit card abuse; Maddison M. Robertson, 19, 230 lbs, 5' 8", violation of probation, burglary of habitation


    Don't forget!    Readers interested in intellectual dissection of 
important current events are invited to attend  the Weekly World
News Round Table at the offices of Borf Books outside Browns-
ville, Kentucky, just after church every Sunday.  Guest  speakers
lined  up  for meetings in the near
future  include  Reality  Leigh
Winner  and  Bill "House Nigger" Maher (and, here's a preview:
A 2001 discussion of the N- and C-word issues by Maher, Sarah
Silverman, Guy Aoki, Anne-Marie Johnson and David Spade).


lifesqrl.jpg Life Saver Dude: Squirrel
        pancakes - it's what's for breakfast!
lifesqrl.jpg Life Saver Dude: Squirrel Pancakes - it's what's for breakfast

Unopened e-mail last week included a message from "sarah.estienne@edu.supmeca.fr"
        titled "To participate in the Eucharist. penis."


  Remember,  if you don't want to receive any more of this  inane  crap,
just hit your "Reply" button and type in the subject line, "GET THESE

But remember also, you have to spell and punctuate the message
exactly as it appears above,
without quotation marks, and without
that redundant "Re:" that appears in so many subject lines
or you
will keep getting this shit! ("Cut and paste" won't work, either. We
have a special filter to detect that.)

"Your worst humiliation is only someone else's momentary entertainment"Karen Crockett

Previous issue

Next issue

Archives index
Borf Books borf@borfents.com               Ideas for a Better America
Box 413
                                                  The Columbus Book of Euchre
Brownsville KY 42210
            War Stories: The Memoirs of a Country Lawyer

270-597-2187         Hank T. Hebhoe, publisher   Natty Bumppo, writer/editor

June 4, 2017:  Things you would never know if you did not browse the
tabloids while waiting for your wife at the counter in the supermarket  –
the week's headlines